Ling Qiu

Hi, I’m Ling, and I’m a Management Accountant at Airtree. I focus on corporate accounting for all fund managers and the services trust, i.e. I’m the one who makes sure everyone is paid on time each month.

I grew up in Shanghai and moved to Australia by myself when I was 18 for uni. Since then, I’ve worked across several industries, including FMCG, education and financial services. I like working at Airtree because I get to use my finance skills while being exposed to new tech.

A common thread throughout my career

I always try to think a step ahead and work in a proactive manner. Robots are programmed to execute instructions, but humans can look for ways to be more efficient.

What I nerd out over

I like to describe myself as an indoor cat because I love spending time at home playing games and singing. My favourite console game is Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The fact that there are basically no air walls in the open-world map is mind-blowing. I also enjoy playing League of Legends with my friends, who carried me to a Diamond rank.

Here’s where you’ll find me on the weekend

I’ve always been obsessed with the clouds in Australia, so you’ll find me out and about taking pictures of the sky to add to my album.

Management Accountant
Companies I work for
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