Subscription agreement for Kiwi companies
1 less thing for our Aotearoa founders to worry about.

AirTree VC is one of the largest VC funds in ANZ, investing Aussie and Kiwi founders. We have $0.6bn under management and 75+ companies in our portfolio, including breakout success stories like CanvaSecure Code WarriorA Cloud Guru and Pet Circle.

We typically partner with teams in their first funding round and support them over multiple rounds during their company journey. So we know that when it’s your first time launching a company, there are one million +1 things you need to get up to speed with, fast. And when you start fundraising, that list just gets longer.

To help out where we can, we’ve open-sourced loads of the resources you might need when working with a typical VC — from how our investment process works to what our seed-stage term sheet looks like.

Knowledge is power!

We know the legal stuff can often be the murkiest, so we’ve also shared more about what the legal DD process looks like, and if you’re based in Australia, the standard docs you may need to work through when closing out your seed round.

Given we invest in both Aussie and Kiwi founders, we wanted to make sure that the important docs worked for founders in NZ too!

We're open-sourcing our: New Zealand Subscription Agreement. This is one of the documents used to help formalise the non-binding term sheet. It typically sets out the mechanics of the investment and includes company (and sometimes founder) warranties.

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